Nutritional Guidance
Fueling the Athlete
Athletics are becoming increasingly competitive. More and more emphasis is being placed on how well you perform. To reach your highest potential, all of your body systems must be perfectly tuned. Nothing is more important to your well-being and ability to perform than good nutrition. Without the right foods, even physical conditioning and expert coaching aren't enough to push you to your best.
Pre-Game Nutrition
What you eat every day can have a big effect on how you perform. What you eat right before an event can be critical. Wrong choices can be disastrous. Right choices can give you a competitive edge. While the pregame meal can supply your body with significant amounts of energy, don't expect it to supply all of the energy you'll need for the event.
Refueling the Athlete
What's for Lunch?
It depends on how much time there is between games. In a perfect world, 3 hours or more is always ideal. Carbohydrates should be the focus. Pasta, rice, veggies, potatoes (baked NOT fried), breads, and cereals. Lean meats in very small amounts. Skip the sodas, please: water or a sport drink is better. Sub sandwiches are okay, just avoid all the fatty extras like mayo, oil, and cheese. Save fries and cheese for the day after the tournament.
When you only have a few hours or less inbetween games, apples, bananas, raisins, pretzels, cereal (even dry), granola bars, bread sticks, fig newtons, bagels, english muffins, blueberry muffins, and fruit juice are good options. Remember to avoid the foods that can cause an upset stomach. Most importantly - Drink water!